God Promises a Son to Abram
In this chapter God tells Abram in a vision to not be afraid, that He is his shield and reward.
Abram is worried that he will die without a child and heir.
The Lord promises him that he will have a child, in fact his offspring will be as numerous as stars in the sky.
And guess what...Abram believed God!
God also reminds him that he will be given the land. In illustrating this, He has Abram bring a goat, ram, heifer, dove and pigeon. Abram falls asleep and the Lord gives him a glimpse into the his future and the future of his people, (which we will get to in the book of Exodus).
There was a smoking firepot and blazing torch and then BAM; a covenant was made, a promise of the land that would be given to his descendants in Gods timing, which as we know, is always perfect.
I think that is the key point here: Gods timing is perfect. We, like Abram, can't see everything that is going to happen or why, but can only trust that God is good and so are his plans for us.
In this case, God knew that the Amorites would grow more and more wicked and eventually lose the land, but still he gave them ample mercy and time to repent.
We are also given that same mercy and opportunity to return Gods love. Don't wait to start living for God and getting to know Him, because you don't know when your own time will be up.
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