Chapter 2
- God blesses the seventh day; Creation is finished and He rests.
- God formed man, aka Adam, from the dust of the earth and breathed life into his nostrils.
- He puts man in the garden of Eden.
- The garden had many trees, two being the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
- There was also a river flowing through that separated into the Tigris, Pishon, Gihon, and Euphrates rivers.
- God tells Adam not to eat from the tree of good and evil or he will die.
- Adam names all living creatures but finds no helper for himself.
- God puts him to sleep takes one of his ribs and makes him a mate: women, or as we know her, Eve.
- They were naked and felt no shame.
Notes on the notes:
- The seventh day, or the Sabbath, is a gift from God to us to rest as He did.
- Our bodies are made from dust and will go right back to the ground when we die, so instead of occupying ourselves with physical appearances, we should focus on what is truly important, the gift of life that God gives us.
- Whether Adam and Eve were literally or symbolically eating from the two trees, the trees prove that 1. They were living eternally with God when eating from the tree of life, 2. It is implied that evil had, at some place and time, occurred before and 3. God gave them the ability to choose whether to obey or not, rather than physically preventing them and thus gave them freedom to choose obedience.
- God made Eve from Adam, rather than the dust, illustrating that in marriage we are symbolically one flesh, united in our hearts and lives through commitment, intimacy and sexual union.
- They were naked, hence the invention of the Birthday Suite.
Favorite verse:
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24
(I had this engraved on the inside of Cody's wedding ring.)
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