As told by Rachael
Satan comes into the garden disguised as a serpent and asks Eve if she was told to not eat any of the fruit. She tells him that the only fruit she can't eat is from the one tree in the middle. (The tree of knowledge of good and evil) He tempts her by telling her that she won't die as God said, but instead she will have her eyes open and know good and evil like God does.
She falls for it and also gives some fruit to Adam, who eats as well. They then open their eyes and are instantly afraid and ashamed. They sew some fig leaves together to cover up and hide when they hear God coming.
God calls out to Adam, "Where are you?" Adam tells him what happened, blaming Eve for giving him the fruit and indirectly blaming God for putting Eve there in the first place.
God asks Eve about what happened and she tells Him she was deceived by the serpent and ate the fruit.
God tells Adam and Eve they can no longer eat from the tree of life, and therefore have to leave the garden of Eden, work the hard ground for food, bare children through painful childbirth, and then die, returning to the dust from which they came. The serpent is cursed to crawl on his belly forever in the dust and have enmity between his offspring and that of man.
Although it is unfortunate that the fall of man happened, I am extremely thankful for this chapter. God is showing us that from the beginning, we have failed to choose obedience. We fall into temptation, not choosing God, but our own will, time and time again. We see man sin over and over throughout the bible, yet each time God counteracts with patience, kindness, forgiveness and love.
We also see in this chapter, the way that Satan works to take us down-you can remember these as the five D's of destruction. Remember these tricks Satan uses so you can identify them as they happen in your life and then you can fight back!
Doubt- Satan will start by making you doubt God's Word and His goodness
Discouragement- He wants you to focus on your problems rather than at God
Diversion- He makes the wrong choices seem more appealing so you think you want them more than the right choices
Defeat- He makes you feel like a failure so ultimately you stop trying
Delay- He makes you put off doing something about it so that it never gets done and you never move forward.
God knew that Adam and Eve would blow it; He knows everything. Fortunately, He had already mapped out and written His entire love story, conflict and resolution. The sin of man may have created this rift between us and God, but He had already set into motion his plan to save us from ourselves, through a messiah named Jesus.
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